We’re starting a new tradition at Women’s Running: We’re kicking off 2020 by announcing our Power Women of the Year. These women are game changers, rule breakers, and trailblazers. They are ones to watch, ones to cheer for, and ones to be inspired by in this upcoming year. The feature appears in our January/February 2020 print issue,
In typical WH-style, we like to get our action on at the weekends. And if you’re like me, I race to train – without events, my motivation dwindles exceedingly — and I love to travel! In fact, #FitTravel is my thing. I am obsessed with exploring South Africa’s beautiful and unique landscapes. And the best
4.86 from 7 votes 11368shares Soy sauce, vinegar and Sriracha hot sauce make these Asian-Glazed Chicken Drumsticks savory and delicious – serve over rice or vegetables for an easy meal! Asian Glazed Drumsticks These Asian-inspired chicken drumsticks are finger-lickin’ good! I skinned the drumsticks to lighten them up,  but you won’t miss it! My husband
Easy + affordable meal prep for weight loss | 2020 | Aldi meal prep I’m giving away $1000 right now on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/JayJayWeezy/ Abundance Academy is OPEN!!! Join us here: http://bit.ly/2KyX1OC -Learn how to manifest wealth & abundance effortlessly and manifest the life you truly deserve, cant wait to have you ladies! Subscribe: http://bit.ly/2bn2E2J |
Hey! I’m back on the road to weight loss after some mishaps this year that led me to a binge beyond belief. Juicing is MY way to reel myself in, readjust my taste buds, and kickstart my weight loss whenever I get carried away. I’m just here to share my experience! DISCLAIMER: I am not
Her arms were stretched wide. Her running jacket was drenched. Des Linden’s expression seemed equal parts “I’m so glad that’s over!” and “Is this really happening?” Hollywood couldn’t have scripted it better. Our country’s running drought had finally ended, amid Mother Nature’s worst: On April 16, 2018, Linden became the first American woman to win
According to a new study, a combination of healthful lifestyle choices, such as maintaining a healthy weight, not smoking, and regularly exercising, can significantly extend the number of years that an individual avoids disease. Share on PinterestA healthful lifestyle doesn’t just extend life; it extends disease-free life. On average, we are living longer lives; however,
Anyone who has ever hit the bathroom at Makro to emerge a new person has probably wondered (beyond “What is it about this place?”) whether pooping actually affects weight loss. It’s a fair question. A nice, productive poo (I think you know what I’m talking about without me having to describe) can make you feel
Anxiety commonly causes a change in appetite. Some people with anxiety tend to overeat or consume a lot of unhealthful foods. Others, however, lose their desire to eat when they feel stressed and anxious. Anxiety is a mental health condition that affects 40 million adults in the United States each year. Changes in appetite are