
Rachael Denhollander speaks during Larry Nassar’s sentencing phase in Ingham County Circuit Court on Jan. 24, 2018. Rachael Denhollander opened her laptop on Aug. 4, 2016, and saw an article trending on Facebook that changed everything. It was Indianapolis Star‘s initial investigation into USA Gymnastics’s (USAG) failure to properly report claims of sexual assault made
Same ol’ concrete running route feeling a little, well, old? Good news: Trail running is having a much-deserved (and much-needed) moment — and we’re oh-so-here for it. Those smart folks are onto something: Exercising in nature actually quiets the part of the brain associated with overthinking, says research published by PNAS. (Can we say “yes, please”?!)
You know that awkward feeling when someone references a TV show or person you don’t know but you smile and nod along because you want to seem in the loop? Yeah, that totally human experience happens in fitness too. Especially around relatively obscure terms like VO2 max, which you may have overheard in a locker
When I think of walking for cardio, I picture Jane Fonda-vibes outfits (hello, brightly-coloured, high-cut spandex and sweatbands), wrist and ankle weights, and wildly pumping arms. And then I shrug it off. I mean, cardio has to be high-exertion and super sweaty, right? Or is walking cardio after all? First, let me clarify: Cardio—short for
When you think of sculpting your arms or building strong legs, you probably think about bodyweight moves like pushups and equipment like dumbbells and resistance bands. Do you have to swap the sidewalk for the weight room, though — or does running build muscle, too? Though most people categorize running as cardiovascular exercise, that doesn’t mean you can’t do more than boost