3 Quick Ways to Cope with Aches Until You Can Get to a Pro


Injuries rarely happen at convenient times.

When aches, pains, and injuries strike when you’re away from professional help, turn to these three effective self-treatments.

1. Compression

This is best used when you experience an acute injury, like an ankle sprain, that begins to swell instantly. Swelling makes the injured area weaker due to neuromuscular inhibition—in other words, it makes it harder for your brain to tell those muscles how to work properly, making it difficult for you to use that body part. And it can cause unbearable pain that compression can alleviate—without negatively affecting your body’s own healing process—until you’re able to see a health professional.

2. Soft Tissue Mobilization/ Cross Friction Massage

This type of treatment can be used for several different types of chronic injuries that flare up inconveniently, like “runner’s knee”—the pain on the front of your knee just below your knee cap. Massage the affected area gently at first, then gradually increasing intensity for 3-5 minutes. It’s going to be uncomfortable, but it helps to “jump start” the healing process by re-activating your body’s natural healing response to help the injury get through the full healing process. This is also effective for IT band syndrome. Avoid using NSAIDs or ice after this type of treatment for 24-48 hours because it will negate the jump-started healing process.

3. Myofascial Release

This treatment can help prevent delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Several research articles discuss the efficacy of foam rolling and myofascial release techniques for increasing flexibility and reducing the effects of DOMS by helping the body more efficiently clear the by-products of exercise associated with soreness, like lactic acid. Roll right after exercise, focusing on the muscles you just used. Go the entire length of each muscle while varying the speed as you roll across them. If you find a knot (a small area of muscle fibers that are in a constant contraction), keep the roller or ball on that location for 10-20 seconds. By holding that spot, it’ll help the muscle relax.

From Triathlete

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